Isabel, 12th grade

Voice and choice - Discovery Term - College Counseling - Speech and Debate - USAYPT

“CA offers incredible support to students; they never say “no” to an idea.”

Isabel on support for students at CA.

“In college counseling, I learned what being authentic really means. Together, we focused on what school would be the right fit for me.”

Isabel on her college counseling experience.

College Counseling at CA
Brandon Carter – College Counseling Director

“Our Speech and Debate team is really good. At tournaments, we are always breaking into octos, quarters, semis, and finals!”

Isabel on CA's Speech and Debate program.

Isabel on her experience with USAYPT, one of her favorite Upper School clubs.

“Whatever our ideas, our faculty leader, Dr. Greenwolfe, is always helping us think through how to make it happen!”