Mehitabel, 12th grade

Getting involved - Advisory program - Dialogue Across Difference - Upper School Athletics

“Hands down my favorite thing about CA is the community. There is this energy around showing up for each other that is unmatched!”

“Get involved! Every opportunity is an opportunity to learn something, to grow, to really enjoy something.”

Advisory Program
Twanna Monds, Director of Student Support Services

“In a way, you grow up with your advisory. It is a place you can always look to for guidance and support, to truly open up about what is on your mind.”

Mehitabel on her experience in CA's Advisory program

“I love watching people find common ground and gain understanding during our dialogues. It makes us stronger as individuals and as a community.”

“For anyone seeking a place where you are supported and valued, our teams are ready to welcome you!”

Mehitabel, a three-sport athlete, on her experience in Upper School athletics.